I would like to introduce you to my friend. I don't think you've met yet. Meet Tassimo.
Tassimo makes all my coffee now. Starbucks who?
I love my ice coffees in the morning. They are a necessity when driving 40 miles to work in the morning.
I saw the chiropractor today. Thanks to those who gave me words of encouragement for that. My hip feels a little better today. I will have to keep going in because my hips are apparently not even. I also helped some different friends move into their new house today. I got a glass of wine out of that one!
Here is the morning sky from yesterday morning. There are some pretty sunrises and sunsets here.
Hope everyone had a great day.
Foliose means leafy.
Foliose means leafy.
Much Love,
So if your hips are uneven, does that mean that one leg is longer than the other? And if so, when you run, do you find that you end up going in a circle?
Thanks, I'll be here all week! Don't forget to tip the waitstaff!